a quarantine gender reveal


I woke up this morning full of excitement. 21 weeks pregnant, beyond ready to find out if this baby is a girl or boy.

I didn’t want to make any elaborate plans for a gender reveal. Being pregnant during a global pandemic has been weird, to say the least. I originally thought I’d want to just go by myself, come home and then open the envelope with Brandon. But last night at 9pm I changed my mind. I don’t know why, but I all of a sudden wanted to at least try to have Brandon with me. I knew I’d be upset if I didn’t try and by some miracle would have been allowed to have a guest.

They didn’t let Brandon in with me, though he made it into the building without a problem. He waited patiently in the cafeteria and thankfully, the WiFi was good enough for me to FaceTime him for the few minutes (or less) that I got to see the screen.

We made it home and got to find out the news with people we love. A full on party was on my wishlist for this pregnancy, but to be honest, I kind of loved opening that envelope and getting to capture our legitimate reactions. I think we’ll do something similar if we’re lucky enough to have a third baby down the road!

I put together a quick vlog of the day, and I might just cry every time I watch it. Really loving that I’ve been able to document these moments on video during this pregnancy. The pandemic has just made it more important for me to capture this season. It will be so cool (and strange) to look back and see myself pregnant in a mask.

Huge thank you to everyone who joined in to find out and celebrate with us! We can’t wait to welcome our BABY GIRL into our arms come September!