fall 2018 10x10 challenge kickoff

fall in northern california | fall 10x1x0 challenge kick off | tinted green

It’s that time again! The fall 10x10 is here and I’m ready for it.

I jumped in last minute last year right after finding out I was pregnant. Crazy that so much has changed in a year! My little boy is 5 months old now! He rolled over for the first time today!

But back to the clothes.


If you're wondering what the 10x10 challenge is, it’s a 10 day, just-for-fun challenge where you pick 10 items from your closet to wear and style over 10 days.

You can go 10 days in a row, take weekends off, whatever works best! The rules aren't hard and fast. They're fun guidelines to help you get started.

Bags, accessories, gym clothes and lounge wear don’t count. Bottoms, tops, dresses, outerwear, and shoes usually do. I’ve excluded shoes and outerwear in the past and I’ll be doing it again this time

There's no 10x10 police who will kick you out for bending the rules to accommodate what works for you! As my favorite yogi says, find what feels good.

There’s no need to buy anything and you don’t even need a capsule wardrobe to participate!

In fact, this might be the perfect challenge if you’ve been considering starting a capsule wardrobe. It gives you a chance to practice the planning process without the pressure of picking items for a whole season. 10 days is super doable, especially if seasonal planning feels overwhelming.

The whole shebang officially starts Monday! Keep reading if you want to see my pieces and get a glimpse into how I planned for the challenge.


fall 2018 10x10 challenge, 10 pieces 10 outfits, 10 items 10 ways, capsule wardrobe challenge, fall style, minimalist closet

Black dress

Buffalo check flannel (old) similar

Stripe henley

Stripe crew neck tee (old) similar

Swing top

Sweatshirt tee (thrifted) similar

Boxy shirt (sold out) similar

High rise dark wash denim

High rise button front jean (old) similar

Denim overalls (old) this season’s version

Like I mentioned earlier, I decided not to include shoes or outerwear in my 10 pieces. Fall in Northern California is all kinds of wonky so I’m bending the rules and giving myself free reign when it comes to footwear and jackets.

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There's still time to join the fun! Here's how I like to plan my baby capsule.


Pull up your weather app or hop online to see what the weather will be like over the next 10 days. Don't let unpredictable weather stop you from joining! No one's handing out any grades so there's no pressure to pick the perfect pieces. Just do your best and see what happens!


Are there any special events you'll be heading to during the challenge? Take that into account when choosing your items (or don't, it's really up to you!)


We all have certain pieces we love wearing. Start there! For example, I picked my current favorite tank top, denim shorts and go-to sandals because I wear them all the time, even without the challenge. Use these items as the base for the rest of your pieces.


Using the weather, your schedule and lifestyle, pull some more pieces that you love to wear to fill in the gaps. Is everything you're pulling from your favorites super colorful? Grab a couple of your favorite neutral pieces to up the versatility of your mini capsule.

And that’s it! The whole process takes like 30 minutes.

As always, I’m looking forward to the challenges the next 10 days will bring. No challenge has ever gone according to plan but I think that’s part of the fun! Let me know if you’re joining in! I’ll be sharing daily outfits over on Instagram (I’m @tinted_green)!